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Have you ever met a machinist that was better than you?

Ok, if you're really looking for speed, what I think you need to do as the owner / manager is setup a streamlined, reliable, high-speed set of processes, prove out and debug them, and then train your hires to use them efficiently. Come up with standard processes for all of your different common types of parts, with template files and any pertinent notes, so they can say, "This looks like a type 7A part", load the template, drop in the client's model, apply the toolpaths to the geometry, and then quick deal with any special circumstances. Post, verify, setup sheet, done.
I have met many people better than me, BUT none of them were SEXIER than me.
Not sure about that buddy...

I place mirrors all around the shop so I can see how good I look in my industrial jock strap/package protector. Safety and style all in one!

I sometime get lost in a trance by looking at that the sexy bastard in the mirror
Not sure about that buddy...

I place mirrors all around the shop so I can see how good I look in my industrial jock strap/package protector. Safety and style all in one!

I sometime get lost in a trance by looking at that the sexy bastard in the mirror
I'm sorry gentlemen but I misspelled sexier its supposed to be u-g-l-y-e-r, but since I have not met you my statement still holds true.
I've realized that sometimes being a "button pusher" in one shop qualifies you as master machinist in another, as well as the reverse, so I try to be respectful, there is always so much I don't know that I don't know in this trade.
Yes, I have.
And they taught me everything they could.
What some would not tell me, I stole from them.
Now, I am better than them, and many of them have passed.
And I am currently the old, wise guy. There are no longer any I can think of, in the all-around... better than me. " In the all around "
Oh, I ain't God. But as an everything guy... I ain't nothing to sneeze at.
And I feel it is my responsibility to bring on the next generation.
It is what we have to do.
In fact, I'll probably hold an honorary Professorship from the Alaska Vocational Technical institute very soon. I'd be very proud of that.
I recently had an out of body experience...don't ask...well I ended up meeting myself, so in a way I have met a machinist equal to or greater than me. It was quite humbling.
I haven't had an out of body experience since I stopped smoking the mountain cabbage and if I had I would have been to stoned to even recognize myself.
