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Identify Hydraulic Cylinder


Sep 25, 2023
New to the forum and hope I am posting in the right place. I am trying to identify the cylinder I have on my 1992 GMC 1 ton dump truck. I am not the original owner but am sure the lift system and body were installed at the time who ever purchased the truck new. I have searched all over for a similar picture but can't find anything that has what looks like a screw on end cap. It has a set screw in the cap, so I assume the end of the cylinder screws on / off. HD 2 pic you can see the threads. I found some numbers on the cylinder but are not readable. Hoping someone has stumbled on something like this and can advise who the manufacturer was so maybe I could chat with them.

Thanks in advance, Hope i get a lead.


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Captdano, if you are trying to identify the cylinder for the purpose of replacing it, forget tracking down the manufacturer. Take the cylinder's measurements, including stuff like the mount details, the cylinder diameter, the rod diameter, the stroke, and the closed length. If you know the rated force, record that too, although it can be computed pretty accurately from the rod and cylinder diameters. The odds are extremely good you can find an exact catalog replacement. And if you can't find an exact replacement in every detail, it is almost certain you can find one that differs only in the mount details, which a cylinder shop can modify for you.
It all depends on what requires repair on that cylinder or not since you haven't said. Seals aren't an issue unless bubba tightened the end cap, start needing to replace something like a piston and you'll wish you took it to a professional hydraulic repair. Although at that point you'd probably need a new cylinder barrel anyway. Those piston nuts are usually done up a little on the tight side by most opinions. And with lots of them, the piston also has a taper fit on the rod end. So those pro shops already have the more specialized tools and horizontal presses. At the open pit mines I worked at, they had at least a few thousand cylinders ranging from little ones you could pick up with one hand to a little larger and $200,000 for a new one. Seals generally got replaced in house, but anything more involved got shipped out. And at one mine, that was 6+ hrs by truck one way just to get to any paved road. Simple looking and they are, but there's a time & place for a pro shop.
Looks like pressure closed end,open with drain the rod end ......since its a 1 tonner,then likely powered by a 12 v DC powerpack with an inbuilt valve .....often the tank is used as a crossmember ,but not that one ...........The OP hasnt said if he wants to repair that one,or maybe make copies as a business venture ...or something in between.
That cylinder is most likely a custom built cylinder for that specific application. There's not likely any spares in existence.

It is common for even very small companies to have hydraulic cylinders custom built in small batch runs.

The seals are likely common sizes, any hydraulic repair shop should be able to order them for you if that's what you want.

If you're not looking to repair it (as most of us are believing) you'll need to re ask your question with a bit more information included as to your plans.
"Back in the day"...I believe Prince Hydraulics in Sioux City, Iowa supplied a bunch of those "low run" cylinders, but like everyone else is saying, I'd just rebuild it.
Make sure the box is tied, blocked, propped, etc. up well before removal...
