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OT: Book Publishing advice needed


Jun 28, 2012
Mt Clemens, Michigan 48035
I'm getting ready to publish my first book.
No, it is not my Surface Grinder book but is a children's storybook of 50 short stories.
My friend just published a book that cost about $400. It is on AMAZON in paperback and e-books.
I was just talking to a big house publisher rep who said about $2400...More if I needed an illustrator. Mostly they will be simple Donkey sketches for this book.
So any PM guys who have published, or donkey sketch artists chime in with any advice....

PS, Later on, I will be looking for an illustrator for simple sketches of surface grinder setups when I get past this book I have about 40,000 words in MY SG book
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There is a publisher in Vermont called Trafalgar Square Books that might be interested. They specialize in horse and donkey care books.
Their printing is done in Hong Kong. The two examples I have are "Essential Hoof" and "Donkeys". The first is a hard cover wire bound book with a large number of photographs. The second is a hard bound book with a sewn in binding. The quality of the printing, photographs, and construction is very good.
Q: (Are you talking about publishing it on the internet or paper and ink? That's gonna make a world of difference.)
That may be part of the big difference between about $400, and about $2500.
E-books, paperback, and hardcover would be my choice.
My friend's book, Apport/UFO Mystery: Was published at a fairly low budget price and came out very good. it is at Amazon on/in Kindle and Paperback.
Greg's book has unique artwork on the cover and back.
My book would be a simple photo of a donkey for the cover, and perhaps some advertising note on the back with a different view of that donkey. It would also have some simple pencil sketches on the story pages.
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The donkey themed illustrated story book industry is well established and crowded. It goes back to at least the 1940's. The books seem to follow a proven design of a single story, less than 30 pages and with a illustration on each page.

Your book proposal of a collection of stories with a few illustrations would be aiming at a different age group than these earlier works.
Donkeys and goats have vibrant personalities so make great characters for children's stories. I was thinking about a story that included a gote but would like to keep the book under 108 pages. because that is the price-break limit.
I published a book on Amazon, and it was pretty easy once i had a proper pDF. Amazon is funny, though, they have too much power and can scuttle you without recourse. I re-published with Ingram-Spark. A bit more complicated to work with, but htey do not think they are Big Brother. Also they sell through all the other bookstores. Amazon is just Amazon.
Neither cost me over $100 up front.
QT magnet: ( I re-published with Ingram-Spark. A bit more complicated (than Amazon) to work with, but they do not think they are Big Brother.)
Ingram-Spark looks interesting, Thanks.
I'm going to contact Greg's publisher today to see what they offer.
Yesterday I talked to a well-known publisher and they offered a price of $700 for the cost of illustrations..mostly thumbnail size and on donkey sketch for the cover.
Since its for children, steer clear of EO-type themes and salami. :)
what are EO-type themes type themes?
EO is a donkey working for a Polish circus. He performs in an act with Kasandra, who loves and protects him. When Animal Rights activists help get the circus shut down, EO is taken away, and is brought to a horse stable to work. In the truck being transported, and at the stables, EO sees horses running free, and being pampered. After knocking over a shelf of trophies, EO is sent to a farm, where he seems depressed and won’t eat. He gives rides to children through woods, where trees continue to be cut down to create space for man

No, my stories are just old-fashioned humorous stories steering far away from sex, gender global warming, politics, and any controversial stuff..I hope.
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For your illustrations, you could perhaps talk to art teachers at nearby sch ools, ask if they have outstanding students who might be interested in the project. You could pay them by the drawing, offer them a royalty on each book sold....a student might be willing to do it just for the exposure.
Since its for children, steer clear of EO-type themes and salami.
It seems to me that many stories are political, complaining or pushing some adult agendas, my stories are not that way.
I think children have enough problems just growing up.
Children stories should be interesting and humorous IMHO.
I have a publisher who will provide pencel arefor $8.00 each, that seems a good deal.
50 short stories so may need 50 illistrations. looks like perhaps $2K
Some publishers and self publishing around $500.
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