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Fusion 360 & Fagor 8055 M

Steve Geth

Nov 13, 2023

I am new to CNC milling and learning Fusion CAD/Cam specifically for this purpose. I have drawn and programmed my first part and saved it to memory on the machine. I tried to do a dry run above the material to see if everything looked correct. After cycle start, I got an on screen message as seen in the attached photo. I have tried to reach the contacts at Fagor that I have and can't get a return call of response to email which is super frustrating. Since Fagor appears to be a large international company, I am hoping that there is a user of both Fusion and Fagor that can assist. I should also mention that this machine doesnt have an ATC.

Thank you in advance.



  • 8055 Message.jpg
    8055 Message.jpg
    681.9 KB · Views: 37
Delete the M6? Since there is not ATC it doesn't have the ability to M6. Any time you want to change tools, rapid to a convenient location for your set up, and put a M00 program stop.
Delete the M6? Since there is not ATC it doesn't have the ability to M6. Any time you want to change tools, rapid to a convenient location for your set up, and put a M00 program stop.
I was told that the PP will call for a tool change during the part program and move to the static tool change position. I am now wondering if what you are suggesting needs to be changed in the PP? Sorry for the ignorance, is M6 specific to an ATC, or just a "tool change". I realized that I hadn't set the tool heights prior to trying to run the program. Simply put, I don't even know how to do that on this controller. The manuals and old videos on youtube only show how to do this with programming at the controller, not CAM. Soooo much to learn. Thanks..
M6 calls the tool change sequence on machines fitted with a ATC. Convenient M-code to make the pull the tool out and store it in the magazine. You don't need it because of not having a tool changer. I have no experience with Fagor, but we have a Makino KE-55 without a changer and we just rapid it Z home and do the manual change that way. Definitely a post processor issue, an easy one at that and easy to get up and going. Just take it out of the program and rapid to a safe location at the end of your code.
M6 calls the tool change sequence on machines fitted with a ATC. Convenient M-code to make the pull the tool out and store it in the magazine. You don't need it because of not having a tool changer. I have no experience with Fagor, but we have a Makino KE-55 without a changer and we just rapid it Z home and do the manual change that way. Definitely a post processor issue, an easy one at that and easy to get up and going. Just take it out of the program and rapid to a safe location at the end of your code.
Thanks so much. I am modifying the post now and will give it a go and report back.

I am new to CNC milling and learning Fusion CAD/Cam specifically for this purpose. I have drawn and programmed my first part and saved it to memory on the machine. I tried to do a dry run above the material to see if everything looked correct. After cycle start, I got an on screen message as seen in the attached photo. I have tried to reach the contacts at Fagor that I have and can't get a return call of response to email which is super frustrating. Since Fagor appears to be a large international company, I am hoping that there is a user of both Fusion and Fagor that can assist. I should also mention that this machine doesnt have an ATC.

Thank you in advance.


The FAGOR post is already setup to handle manual tool change. Load the post processor into an editor and look on or around line 1531 for the logic involved. What you need to do to make it all work is mark all of the tools you use as 'manual tool change' on the post processor page of the tool description.

In manufacture space, go to the manage panel and choose Tool Library. Pick out a tool that you are using and click the pencil icon at the top of the page to display the tool data for editing. Go to the post processor tab and look down the list until you come to the manual tool change check box; then check it. Once all the tools that you are using have been so marked, the post should be able to handle the manual changes.

BTW, this won't work with the Sample Tools supplied by Autodesk - they are read only. Just make copies of the tools if necessary and put them in a new library where you can edit them, HTH


The FAGOR post is already setup to handle manual tool change. Load the post processor into an editor and look on or around line 1531 for the logic involved. What you need to do to make it all work is mark all of the tools you use as 'manual tool change' on the post processor page of the tool description.

In manufacture space, go to the manage panel and choose Tool Library. Pick out a tool that you are using and click the pencil icon at the top of the page to display the tool data for editing. Go to the post processor tab and look down the list until you come to the manual tool change check box; then check it. Once all the tools that you are using have been so marked, the post should be able to handle the manual changes.

BTW, this won't work with the Sample Tools supplied by Autodesk - they are read only. Just make copies of the tools if necessary and put them in a new library where you can edit them, HTH


Reading this is a huge relief. I am excited to get into it tomorrow to make the changes to my tool set up in the manufacture tab.

Thanks so much for the clarity.

Reading this is a huge relief. I am excited to get into it tomorrow to make the changes to my tool set up in the manufacture tab.

Thanks so much for the clarity.

Your detailed instructions were very clear and the changes were easy to make. After the changes were made I did the post to a flash drive and then when I put the drive in the controller, no NC folder is there to be seen. I tried everything short of getting a new flash drive. I carefully checked the naming of the file and everything looks perfect on a pc, but the only programs that show on the controller are the ones that were there previously. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Steve

Your detailed instructions were very clear and the changes were easy to make. After the changes were made I did the post to a flash drive and then when I put the drive in the controller, no NC folder is there to be seen. I tried everything short of getting a new flash drive. I carefully checked the naming of the file and everything looks perfect on a pc, but the only programs that show on the controller are the ones that were there previously. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Steve
Hi Steve,

I have no experience with programming Fagor controls, so my ability to comment is quite limited. I have included a link to an online Fagor manual, on or about page 71, which discusses the precise format of the file header - if you don't have just 6 digits and the extension .pim then nothing will display. You can move up and back in the manual to read about other potential pitfalls in getting the control to display and execute programs

I noticed in the post processor that I think it appends a '%' sign at the beginning of each program file. If so, strip that out with an editor and see if the control will then accept/recognize the file. If it does, I can tell you the exact line in the post where you can modify it to permanently remove the '%' from future posted programs.

PS. After looking at another programming source, it appears that the percent sign is needed on the first line of the part program, but not the actual name of the file. I would suggest looking online for a Fagor programming manual (or have others in the know comment here) about exactly what the program file name and program format should look like. FS
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Hi Steve,

I have no experience with programming Fagor controls, so my ability to comment is quite limited. I have included a link to an online Fagor manual, on or about page 71, which discusses the precise format of the file header - if you don't have just 6 digits and the extension .pim then nothing will display. You can move up and back in the manual to read about other potential pitfalls in getting the control to display and execute programs

I noticed in the post processor that I think it appends a '%' sign at the beginning of each program file. If so, strip that out with an editor and see if the control will then accept/recognize the file. If it does, I can tell you the exact line in the post where you can modify it to permanently remove the '%' from future posted programs.

PS. After looking at another programming source, it appears that the percent sign is needed on the first line of the part program, but not the actual name of the file. I would suggest looking online for a Fagor programming manual (or have others in the know comment here) about exactly what the program file name and program format should look like. FS
Hi Fred,

Actually I have seen the % symbol at the beginning of other small probing programs that were given to me which I have modified successfully for an X,Y & Z material
/part set zero probe.

What is strange is that the original post for a two sided part that was created in Fusion and saved to a flash drive showed up in a folder both on the drive and the controller as “NC Files” without the quotes.

The file was named by fusion as 1001 and again appeared on the controller as such and when I hit cycle start, it ran a number of lines of code prior to that M6 message.

You are correct about the 6 digits as the probing programs are 000001, 000002, etc.

I have a call into Fagor tech support and will report back what I find out as soon as I hear.

Thanks so much for your effort here. I am sure it will get sorted out soon and I will be on to the next issue :)

Hi Fred,

Actually I have seen the % symbol at the beginning of other small probing programs that were given to me which I have modified successfully for an X,Y & Z material
/part set zero probe.

What is strange is that the original post for a two sided part that was created in Fusion and saved to a flash drive showed up in a folder both on the drive and the controller as “NC Files” without the quotes.

The file was named by fusion as 1001 and again appeared on the controller as such and when I hit cycle start, it ran a number of lines of code prior to that M6 message.

You are correct about the 6 digits as the probing programs are 000001, 000002, etc.

I have a call into Fagor tech support and will report back what I find out as soon as I hear.

Thanks so much for your effort here. I am sure it will get sorted out soon and I will be on to the next issue :)

Hi Steve,

When Fusion posts out a file, the default location on the pc is the NC Files folder. Each of the posted files in the folder should have a six digit file name and an extension of .pim. If that is all there, then it is a bit of a mystery as to why they are not showing up. Anyway, seems like you're quite close; talking to Fagor should get you the final mile. Good luck and report back if possible on what the solution ends up being.

Hi Steve,

When Fusion posts out a file, the default location on the pc is the NC Files folder. Each of the posted files in the folder should have a six digit file name and an extension of .pim. If that is all there, then it is a bit of a mystery as to why they are not showing up. Anyway, seems like you're quite close; talking to Fagor should get you the final mile. Good luck and report back if possible on what the solution ends up being.

Good morning Fred,

This is interesting. The files seem to be named automatically1001 out of Fusion. I wonder if I change it to a 6 digit, it will show up. More to come as I still await a call from Fagor.


Good morning Fred,

This is interesting. The files seem to be named automatically1001 out of Fusion. I wonder if I change it to a 6 digit, it will show up. More to come as I still await a call from Fagor.



If you edit the Setup and go to the third tab - Post Process, you should see where you can enter the program number (I think it defaults to 1001). Edit it to something like 1000001 and then save and post the setup.

Hi Steve,

When Fusion posts out a file, the default location on the pc is the NC Files folder. Each of the posted files in the folder should have a six digit file name and an extension of .pim. If that is all there, then it is a bit of a mystery as to why they are not showing up. Anyway, seems like you're quite close; talking to Fagor should get you the final mile. Good luck and report back if possible on what the solution ends up being.

Hi Fred,

A bit of an update, but not in the final mile after speaking on the phone with Fagor. I really didnt get anywhere with them other that to state that the file loaded on their machine.

I did get the file to show up on the control after changing the file name to 000012 which was the next number in the sequence of my short probing programs. Anyway, after havng changed all of the tools to "manual tool change" in Fusion and doing a new post as you suggested, M6 still comes up at the control with the same message about the arm not on reference. I sent another email to Fagor with little hope. By chance do you have any other suggestions?


Hi Fred,

A bit of an update, but not in the final mile after speaking on the phone with Fagor. I really didnt get anywhere with them other that to state that the file loaded on their machine.

I did get the file to show up on the control after changing the file name to 000012 which was the next number in the sequence of my short probing programs. Anyway, after havng changed all of the tools to "manual tool change" in Fusion and doing a new post as you suggested, M6 still comes up at the control with the same message about the arm not on reference. I sent another email to Fagor with little hope. By chance do you have any other suggestions?


Hi Steve,

Two items to address:
1) Bring the post up in an editor and go to line 47. This has to do with preloading the next tool. If line 47 has the value 'true' change it to 'false'; this is to get rid of any other references in the post to automated tool changes.
2) Go to line 829 and put two forward slashes - // - at the beginning of the line; this will comment out the post line that says:
writeBlock(mformat.format(6)); That should eliminate the M6 being output. Then post out your program and see if the controller accepts it.

Hi Steve,

Two items to address:
1) Bring the post up in an editor and go to line 47. This has to do with preloading the next tool. If line 47 has the value 'true' change it to 'false'; this is to get rid of any other references in the post to automated tool changes.
2) Go to line 829 and put two forward slashes - // - at the beginning of the line; this will comment out the post line that says:
writeBlock(mformat.format(6)); That should eliminate the M6 being output. Then post out your program and see if the controller accepts it.


Thanks for the speedy reply. I will need a toupee soon as I am pulling out my hair, lol.

If I do this and it works (which I won’t know until tomorrow) will I have to change something with the PP to avoid this for all future output files?

Thanks again,


Thanks for the speedy reply. I will need a toupee soon as I am pulling out my hair, lol.

If I do this and it works (which I won’t know until tomorrow) will I have to change something with the PP to avoid this for all future output files?

Thanks again,


Before you make those changes.....
I created a quick part program and posted it out with tools labelled 'Manual Tool Change' and the FAGOR post available from Autodesk Post Library; I just wanted to see where the M6 code was showing up. However, after posting I looked through the code and could find no mention of M6. So, do you actually see the M6 code being output by the Fusion post? or are you just seeing a message on the control about M6 and the arm not on reference?
If the latter, I'm beginning to think there might be a parameter in the controller that needs to be set to indicate that there is no tool changer. However, if the machine never had a tool changer, then why would any parameter have ever changed? Just a thought anyway.


I do see M6 in the code. I will attach the post shortly so you can take a peek if you like.


