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Ongoing unrest in Russia

Funny you should mention that .....8 nuclear subs at $4 billion each = $390 billion ...........lucky I was no good at math ,or I might see some problem there!
In the U.S. $Billions is rookie numbers, but considering your sub deal reaches out to 2040 (according to the 'net) so figure with inflation and contact overruns from the U.S. and Britain figure on hundreds of $Billions.
Besides most of what your military flys, shoots, and drives comes from the U.S.....lots of jobs---make chips boys!
The Sirius Report
This is even worse than sanctioning Russia's central bank and freezing Russian assets. Washington is on a suicide mission:

US House of Representatives has approved confiscation of frozen Russian assets in the US and giving them to Ukraine.
9:51 PM · Apr 20, 2024
I am sure the banks would be more then happy to do a Switzerland with those funds. Earn money from the funds to pay the bank and wait for legal paperwork telling them who to give the money to.
Switzerland is still waiting for the German government to give them death certificates for all those Jewish depositors who went on all expenses paid holidays courtesy of Hitler.
It would be wrong to give the money to their relatives without proper death certificates first! Nothing personal, just following orders.
Bill D
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Would that be the same Medvedev - now permanently off his meds - that threatened the US, UK and Gemany with a nuclear attack few months ago?
Is that the same Medvedev you're quoting for us?
I haven't a clue, it was something copied and pasted from the interweb. An expression by "someone" , in perspective .

The text may very well be "made up" to draw attention, or to get others to pay attention to just how absurd this entire affair has gotten.
Hegemony being what it is.
I haven't a clue, it was something copied and pasted from the interweb. An expression by "someone" , in perspective .

The text may very well be "made up" to draw attention, or to get others to pay attention to just how absurd this entire affair has gotten.
Hegemony being what it is.

Oh no, that quote is likely verbatim from former pres. Medvedev.
The problem is that it IS from Medvedev!
In reality though, it actually isn't a problem coming from him, but certainly would be if it came from Lavrov.
At least we will be getting what is reported to be 1,000 troops out a harms way.
I guess Niger is just a minor money pit when compared to Ukraine. Russia and Iran....why the interest in Niger?
"Niger’s most valuable export is uranium and thorium ores and concentrates, which accounted for 35.2% of its global total in 2022. Other significant exports include gold, other oily seeds, radioactive chemicals, refined petroleum, and uranium ore."

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“No one doubted that American lawmakers would approve "aid" to a gang of neo-Nazis. It was a vote by the joyous bastards of the state:
a) in favor of continuing the civil war of the divided people of our formerly united country;
b) in favor of maximizing the casualties of this war.

We will win, of course, despite the 61 billion bloody dollars that will mostly go down the throats of their insatiable MIC. Strength and Truth are behind us.

But in view of the Russophobic decision that took place, I cannot in all sincerity not wish the US to plunge into a new civil war itself as soon as possible. Which, I hope, will be radically different from the war between North and South in the XIX century and will be fought with the use of airplanes, tanks, artillery, MLRS, all kinds of missiles and other weapons. And which will finally lead to the ignominious collapse of the vile evil empire of the 21st century - the United States of America.”
{end quote}
WEll, at least you are quoting the source of your rhetoric this time, the Russian gov't
Ukraine is not part of Russia, it is not a civil war, it was an indisputably sovereign nation violently invaded by another country.
The way to stop it is for Russia to stop
The way to stop casualties? The same
Russia go home, pretty simple
WEll, at least you are quoting the source of your rhetoric this time, the Russian gov't
Ukraine is not part of Russia, it is not a civil war, it was an indisputably sovereign nation violently invaded by another country.
The way to stop it is for Russia to stop
The way to stop casualties? The same
Russia go home, pretty simple
Does not appear Russia is leaving.
Wonder who abandons Ukraine first...EU, U.S., or Russia?
I think Ukraine will continue untill the free money stops. Russia who knows till putin dies, or Russia and the US are in a war.
War would have been over 6 months if we had not stuck our nose into it.

Are war worries killing the stock market..When you see the big flash, duck.
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At least we will be getting what is reported to be 1,000 troops out a harms way.
I guess Niger is just a minor money pit when compared to Ukraine. Russia and Iran....why the interest in Niger?
"Niger’s most valuable export is uranium and thorium ores and concentrates, which accounted for 35.2% of its global total in 2022. Other significant exports include gold, other oily seeds, radioactive chemicals, refined petroleum, and uranium ore."

A good example of geopolitics in real time.
Russia moves in and the U.S. is shown the door.

Russia greatest stated goal is reduce the influence and power of the United States.
Niger is a step towards that goal.

This will be the century in which Africa comes forward.
Q" (Niger’s most valuable export is uranium and thorium ores and concentrates, which accounted for 35.2% of its global total in 2022. Other significant exports include gold, other oily seeds, radioactive chemicals, refined petroleum, and uranium ore.")

If we kept our own money and minded our own bees wax we would have no problem buying what we need.
We are going to end up under Hamas or Communism the way we are going…or end up in a big war.
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There, I've fixed it for 'ya. ( all of it )
I don't believe that. The US didn't force any of NATO to support Ukraine.Most of them are doing it on their own for their own good. Russia had a hard time in Afghanistan , trying to occupy Ukraine would be 100 times worse. I read an interesting article about Ukraine arms manufacturers . Some of them are producing a surplus that they want to export. The news is all about foreign aid so most people would think that's all they have. We have invested in a lot of lost causes, I don't think Ukraine is one of them . What has all the aid money we have given the people of Palestine done for us or them? Time we backed a winner instead of a bunch of losers hoping they will change and better themselves.They are like a bunch of addicts and we are their enablers and they hate us for it.
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I don't believe that.
Which part?
You believe Ukraine would still exist as a sovereign nation, had the West not send the military aid it did?
You believe Vlad would have been sufficiently pacified by annexing the four regions, and then allow what's left of Ukraine to do as it pleases, including NATO and EU membership?

On re-reading, I may have not been clear on the correction.
Perhaps this is better:
I think Ukraine will continue until the free money stops. Russia? Who knows? 'Til putin dies, or Russia and the US are in a war.
Ukraine would have seized to exist over 2 years ago if we had not stuck our nose into it.
Which part?
You believe Ukraine would still exist as a sovereign nation, had the West not send the military aid it did?
You believe Vlad would have been sufficiently pacified by annexing the four regions, and then allow what's left of Ukraine to do as it pleases, including NATO and EU membership?

On re-reading, I may have not been clear on the correction.
Perhaps this is better:
Sticking our nose into it didn't have much to do with ending the war in six months.The wheels started spinning the day Putin came into power.His goal(by his own admission) was to resurrect the USSR or something similar. Obviously after the war started our help gave them time.Had we not stepped in , and our European allies, there would have been a terrible blood bath and I don't think the Russians would have ever had an end to it.
Afghanistan as it turns out was against a more powerful Russian force than Russia is now and the Ukrainians are stronger than the Afghans were so,I just don't know.
They shut the Russians down on the initial invasion with what they had.The big mistake that Ukraine made was not anticipating the invasion. After Georgia and Crimea and then Russia moving their people into the contested regions they should have seen it coming or at least started planning to build up.Maybe their politics got in the way.
The whole NATO/ EU membership bullshit was just a talking point for Putin, he was going to do what he did if NATO had never existed, only much quicker.
We have had our nose for better or worse in that area since WW2. The US (and NATO)is the only super power that people who want to be free from a/holes like Putin can turn to.

To answer your question about pacifing Putin the only way to do that is with a bullet between the eyes.
