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Ongoing unrest in Russia

QT: (As you point out, Islamic terrorists don't usually tend to try to escape.)
So, the few we catch should get hung.
Public hanging Pg. 13.
Then they should be put out on the landfill pile so to be spread far and wide.
Speard far and wide was a first nation tactic. That should be restored.

Many might like life behind bars with their buddies, so that would be doing them a favor.
aaand- today, in court, in Moscow, the four suspects show up, one, mysteriously missing an ear, another in a wheel chair with an IV bag dripping into him...
There is a very good chance that thousands of radical killers of the gang variety and the ISIS variety have crossed our border and we are housing and feeding them, plus making big statements bragging about how we stand against Russia to the very end makes us the first target of a big war.
Dumb and Dumber prevails.

QT(aaand- today, in court, in Moscow, the four suspects show up, one, mysteriously missing an ear, another in a wheel chair with an IV bag dripping into him...)
* I guess we should demand human rights for people who would kill our children for their 40 virgin’s when they get to La La land.
*Perhaps they will go to a Los Angeles Dodgers game or the Detroit Auto Show with guns and fire bombs next.
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There is a very good chance that thousands of radical killers of the gang variety and the ISIS variety have crossed our border and we are housing and feeding them, plus making big statements bragging about how we stand against Russia to the very end makes us the first target of a big war.
Dumb and Dumber prevails.

QT(aaand- today, in court, in Moscow, the four suspects show up, one, mysteriously missing an ear, another in a wheel chair with an IV bag dripping into him...)
* I guess we should demand human rights for people who would kill our children for their 40 virgin’s when they get to La La land.
*Perhaps they will go to a Los Angeles Dodgers game or the Detroit Auto Show with guns and fire bombs next.
"There is a very good chance that thousands of radical killers of the gang variety and the ISIS variety have crossed our border and we are housing and feeding them......"

Well obviously among the millions who have been allowed to enter and settle in the United States illegally there are likely a few ne'er-do-wells in the group but no doubt our current leadership team has things under control.
Luckily the for the Russians border security is not the problem.
Approximately 20% of "russian" citizens are Muslims. At least 20 million of them.
Somewhere between 10% and 20% of the army is muslim.
They have resident terrorists there legally, so they dont have to worry about them sneaking in.
They treat the Muslim minority so terribly that there is a constant supply of homegrown terrorists.
They have been pressganging legal russians who are muslim and sending them to the front lines.
There is an enormous amount of anti russian sentiment among the "russian" muslim citizens in the former socialist republics of Central Asia.
And ISIS K has a history of attacking Russian citizens wherever they can- in 2022 they attacked the Russian embassy in Afghanistan, and they consider the Ukraine war to be "Crusader on Crusader" violence, and dislike both sides equally.
Here is an excerpt from a Larry Johnson article, link below:

"I think the Islamic terrorism claim is a red herring and designed to shift attention away from the other indicators that some in the West, at a minimum, had foreknowledge of this attack. How else to explain the March 7 warning by US Embassy Moscow for American citizens to steer clear of event, such as concerts? And then, as I wrote yesterday, the US State Department was quick to issue a claim exonerating Ukraine for any role in the attack. The fires were still raging at the Crocus facility. That means only one thing — the State Department had intelligence indicating who carried out the attack. But the U.S. apparently did not share that with its Russian counterparts. That lapse alone is simply going to stoke more suspicion in Moscow about Western involvement."

Some good comments under the article:

A newer article by Larry, some nasty pics so dont go there if you dont want to see beat up terrorists :)
"The circumstantial evidence revealed so far certainly supports the claim that this was a Ukrainian operation poorly disguised as an ISIS-K attack and that the United States was clued in on what was expected to happen."

link - use caution:
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Qt: (I am inclined to believe that the West knew something was going to happen.)

I agree likely the US has more dollars spent on world surveillance and knew something was in the planning.
Likely when we (USA) takes a similar hit our government will have high suspicion something is about to happen.
Such terrorist should get a simple public hanging, Pg13 That may be a small deterrent to the next time.
Plus, their names should not be posted to make them heroes, they should just be called .terrorist.

Their bodies put in the compost pile so a little good (fertilizer) comes from their life and demise.
My grand daughter went to the Equestrian horse event in ocala fl, how bad I would feel if terrosits gunned and burned the place while she was there?
ocala fl

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And I think that guys dressed as women either in sports or school bathrooms are as big a problem as any. Yet I keep them off this MACHINIST site.
Per the rules this thread should be deleted because it is not machinist related, it is not problem solving. it IS "political" and also a of a chit chat nature that Milicron used to lock threads for all the time.
You wouldn’t happen to watch Fox News would you?
Here is an excerpt from a Larry Johnson article, link below:

"I think the Islamic terrorism claim is a red herring and designed to shift attention away from the other indicators that some in the West, at a minimum, had foreknowledge of this attack. How else to explain the March 7 warning by US Embassy Moscow for American citizens to steer clear of event, such as concerts? And then, as I wrote yesterday, the US State Department was quick to issue a claim exonerating Ukraine for any role in the attack. The fires were still raging at the Crocus facility. That means only one thing — the State Department had intelligence indicating who carried out the attack. But the U.S. apparently did not share that with its Russian counterparts. That lapse alone is simply going to stoke more suspicion in Moscow about Western involvement."

Some good comments under the article:

A newer article by Larry, some nasty pics so dont go there if you dont want to see beat up terrorists :)
"The circumstantial evidence revealed so far certainly supports the claim that this was a Ukrainian operation poorly disguised as an ISIS-K attack and that the United States was clued in on what was expected to happen."

link - use caution:
You don’t think that the guy who owns all the media channels in Russia might be pushing a narrative. I believe a little research might show Putin to be a hypocritical liar. I see these arguments coming from Americans and can’t help but wonder how they live in a country so diabolical why don’t they do something about it. In Russia they can’t even say they are at war.
Re the last two posts:
Participation would include machining talk, you have machine shop stuff you are trying to sell so you must have some knowledge of shop info of some kind. The idea is to help others with solving a problem ;) Talk about that instead of proving you are an anti trump/ pro big media stooge. I dont think its a good look for you, is this is what you think will allow you to bypass ebay fees and sell here for free?
This is the guy trying to sell an old kurt vise with no jaws.
Now my participation isn’t good enough. I was following the trolling that u did and figured your in good standings so maybe if I do the same. I’ll go back to eBay my friend. This place is no less toxic. Thanks for your response though.
I think Putin got 87% for anothr 6 years as president.
So looks like the Russian straight edges will remain on eBay for a time..
but I never bought one so don't know if they are good.
A 18" straight edge is handy for inspecting a surface grinder.
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QT: (Putin seen hours ago personally inspecting lathes/milling machines and various metrology equipment at some local joes shop. A reliable source revealed handles may be turned and hands got dirty in this last ditch attempt to keep the PM thread open.)

I don't know what Putin’s PM forums alias name is or if he prefers grinders or lathes.
And if he is here to talk tooling, or here to pick our minds so to build better weapons.
Something I just realized about this war by russia. After the first several months russia has not taken any actual cities or towns. Yes they have taken "cities" and "towns". But first they have to totally destroy them with artillery and bombs. Nothing is left standing, kill or chase off all the people, finally the Ukrainian soldiers withdraw since the city no longer exists. Then the russians "conquer" a large vacant lot full of broken buildings and junk.
Bill D
